Frankenmuth Complete Streets Plan


A successful and sustainable transportation system places people first and incorporates four key elements: Supporting Policies, the Built Environment, Promotional Efforts and Evaluation Methods.  Policies set the stage for a change in the built environment. Promotional efforts are necessary to realize the potential of improvements.  Evaluation is key to determine if resources were well spent and are achieving the desired result.

This plan outlines the key recommendations for each of the four categories mentioned .  The focus of this plan is on achievable priority objectives that may be accomplished over the next decade that address the key issues and opportunities identified through public engagement.  Once these objectives have been accomplished, it is recommended that the City revisit the physical improvements, the policies, promotional efforts and evaluation tools it uses, as new best practices are being developed constantly.

Report from the Steering Committee

The Complete Streets Planning Process investigates improved traffic management options for movement within the City of Frankenmuth. Movement takes on many definitions whether with vehicle or without, and in consideration of all types of users in varying levels of capability. At the end of this studied conversation, the expectation of the Steering Committee is that the Frankenmuth Complete Streets Plan will improve safety for all users of City streets and sidewalks, is realistic in scope and will cause positive action. 

The Steering Committee, with input from the public and with expert guidance, is pleased to support the Complete Streets Plan authored by The Greenway Collaborative. Looking to focus on a policy that “improves safety, is realistic and causes action,” the Steering Committee states that “Frankenmuth streets do not match this community.”

Long-term success will take time. Deliberate effort and physical improvements will ensure that Frankenmuth streets and transportation system meet the community environment we work to create. The most critical issues facing the community are:

  • Our Streets move too fast. Permanent, engineered solutions should be sought that address:

    1. Concerns regarding speed of traffic entering City.
    2. Concerns regarding speed of traffic in and around school zones.
    3. Concerns regarding speed of traffic Downtown.
    4. Concerns regarding speeding in and through neighborhoods
  • We are not careful pedestrians, drivers or cyclists. Ongoing effort must be made to:

    1. Increase education and promotion of pedestrian/cyclists rights.
    2. Educate and promote a standard, that is focused on ensuring pedestrian and cyclist safety … City wide… as citizens more fully engage in walking and cycling activities and as the community hosts increasing numbers of visitors and tourists.
    3. Help visitors find parking and special events through signage and wayfinding improvements.

    • Incorporate Complete Streets recommendations in project development such that the project will achieve the best outcome possible within the scope of work and needs of all users.
    • Use established best practices to ensure appropriate speed and safety.
    • Work toward ensuring connectivity throughout the City.

Community Engagement

Two public meetings were held to gather input from the community. The Complete Streets Kick-off Meeting was held October 11, 2016 and over 60 people attended. The purpose of the meeting was to introduce the project to the public, gather input on issues, explore opportunities and set a general direction for the plan.

Based on the input from the first meeting, a preliminary plan was created and then presented during the Complete Streets Open House on November 30, 2016 to get additional feedback. Around 110 people attended the open house.

Throughout both rounds of input, online maps were provided to collect input from participants who were unable to attend any of the meetings.

Cost of Doing Nothing


From 2004 to 2014, automobiles struck 18 pedestrians and 7 bicycles in the City of Frankenmuth.   Additionally, pedestrian and bicycle fatal crashes made up 36% of all fatal and incapacitating injury crashes for that time period; well over twice the state average. Each crash results in a tremendous physical and emotional toll on the person hit and their families. There is also an emotional toll on the drivers of vehicles that hit the pedestrians and bicyclists.

Beyond the emotional and physical costs of each crash there is an economic cost. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA) makes estimates of the average economical and societal costs of fatal and nonfatal injuries. The NHTSA considers the calculable costs of crashes are wage and productivity losses, medical expenses, administrative expenses, vehicle damage and employer’s uninsured costs. When doing a cost benefit analysis for a transportation project, one must look beyond those costs and take into account a measure of the value of lost quality of life. The NHTSA uses figures based on empirical studies to determine the more inclusive average comprehensive cost. Using NHSTA’s average costs figures from 2010, the comprehensive cost of those 25 pedestrian and bicycle crashes over that 11 year period is over 7.7 million dollars. This works out to be $650,000 dollars a year or $130 per resident each year. Click here for more details.


a Year

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