Bikeways and Trails in Grand Rapids

Family-friendly bike routes that utilize local roads. Some routes may include wayfinding signs, pavement markings or traffic calming features. These routes tend to provide a shadow system to the major roadways and connections to community destinations.
Generally, a designated section of the roadway for bicycle travel. They may be identified through pavement markings, signage, bollards, curbs or other physical barriers. Examples include: bike lanes, shared lane markings, and protected bike lanes/cycle tracks.
These tend to be the most desired bikeway, as no motor vehicles are allowed. Bicycles usually share the space with other non-motorized users, such as pedestrians, rollerbladers and horseback riders. Many times trails occur along abandoned railroad corridors, rivers and other open space areas.
In general, it is safer to ride your bike on the street, such as in a bike lane, because that is where motorists are most likely to see you. However, if you have to ride on the sidewalk or feel more comfortable there, below are a few tips to increase your safety.