Check out current projects and learn about upcoming bicycle and pedestrian improvements.
Connecting Lenawee Plan
A non-motorized plan that documents pedestrian and bicycle mobility, safety and connectivity in Lenawee County. The plan’s intent is for local communities to build upon the proposed network and make adjustments to the network as needed. The plan focuses on making connections to various destinations within the County as well as to adjacent counties and the emerging regional systems.
Univeristy Region Non-motorized Transportation Plan
The Michigan Department of Transportation is working to develop a Regional Non-Motorized Transportation Plan for the University Region to serve as a tool, not only for MDOT staff, but also for the vast number of stakeholders, agencies and organizations in the Region. The main goals of the Plan are to:
- Identify opportunities to enhance non-motorized transportation
- Prioritize non-motorized investment in the region
- Provide a vision for a non-motorized network to guide public and private initiatives
The University Region includes Clinton, Shiawassee, Eaton, Ingham, Jackson, Hillsdale, Lenawee, Monroe, Washtenaw and Livingston Counties. Recommendations for Monroe, Washtenaw and Livingston Counties that are being developed under the separate, MDOT Metro Region/SEMCOG Non-Motorized Plan will be incorporated into this document. The University Region Non-Motorized Plan was completed in July 2015.