The following dashboard provides a snapshot of the current bicycling and walking environment in Grand Rapids.
Barriers to People Who Walk and Bike
Freeways, railroads, and busy highways segment a community and make it difficult for people on foot or bike to get around
Grand Rapids is a Car-Dependent City
Most errands require a car
Grand Rapids is Somewhat Bikeable
Some bike infrastructure.
Households Without Vehicles
13.9% of households have no vehicles
Bicycle Crashes
71 bicycle crashes were reported in 2014
Pedestrian Crashes
112 pedestrian crashes were reported in 2014
Fatal Traffic Accidents
93 fatal traffic accidents between 2004 and 2013 in the City of Grand Rapids
Popular Bicycle Routes
Streets with bike lanes and existing trails are popular bicycle routes
Popular Walking/Running Routes
Major Streets and existing trails are popular walking/running routes
Commuters Who Take Public Transit to Work
Around 4.3% of commuters in Zip Code 49503 take public transit to work
Commuters Who Walk and Bike to Work
Around 6.8% of commuters in Zip Code 49503 walk or bike to work
Complete Streets Policies
Grand Rapids adopted a Bike Parking Ordinance in 2008
Safe Routes to School
Palmer School, Meadowlawn ES, Glenwood ES and Pinewood MS were all awarded SRTS grants
Racial Diversity
Each dot represents a person residing in the United States at the location they were counted during the 2010 Census