Four Outreach Meetings Scheduled to Review Draft Plan

Meeting dates, times and locations are detailed in this summary flyer and will be held in June in Ludington, Walker, Holland and Hastings. Regional, county and local government agencies, officials, staff, advocates, residents, etc. are invited to attend any one of the 4 upcoming outreach meetings. These meetings are a follow up to the 10 outreach meetings MDOT held in the Fall/Winter 2016 to gather input on development of the Plan. The June Outreach Meetings will be held to:

  • Learn more about the project
  • Review the draft document
  • Provide input related to desired connections + regional priorities
  • Review draft Grand Region Bike + Trail Guide maps

For additional information on each of the meetings click on the following:

[calendar id="8779"]

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    The project began in June 2016 and is slated to be completed by August 2017.

    Developed in coordination with MDOT under contract 2016-0331